Steyn, Mariette
Contact Number 1: 083 282 5422
Qualification: Tourist Guide
Provinces / Sites: National
Type (Culture / Nature / Both): Both
Badge Number: GP 6134
Languages: Afrikaans, English, basic Spanish
Guide Profile:
I want to enhance a traveller’s experience by providing information to highlight how beautiful, diverse and culturally interesting our country is. I am a keen traveler myself and have an adventurous nature. I’m fairly well-travelled within South Africa, and abroad. I scuba dive and in general like to keep fit engaging in activities of active and informative nature. I am a nature lover, always aspiring to conserve. I have the ability to think on my feet and react appropriately. I am fully bilingual in English and Afrikaans. Basic Spanish and continually learning. I know and understand a few words and phrases in some of our local official languages. I am very flexible and always keen to learn new skills, gain additional knowledge and improve myself. Open to constructive criticism. I am able to act using initiative and am extremely reliable. I have high standards, morals and ethics.
I have more than 25 years’ experience in working with local and international people of diverse cultures and races. I have been to some of the greatest historical events that have taken place in South Africa, which I believe will help make experiences unique and personal. Two of the Highlights include: The Memorial Service held for Nelson (Rolihlanhla) Mandela at the FNB Stadium where Heads of State from all over the World were present & I was at the Inauguration of Gary Player into the Hall of Fame, held at Sun City Resort.
I am based in KZN (Scottburgh/Durban). Fully qualified for all 9 provinces. I have a valid PrDP licence.